I am trying to conduct a cox proportional hazard, after I checked the assumptions, it turns out that interaction exists. So, I have to put an interaction into the model. But the time varying covariate is polytomous variable with four categories.
The treatment is time varying covariate with four categories. And I get the results like this:
Parameter DF Estimate Error Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq Ratio
treatment 2 1 -0.33139 0.02126 1183.5006 <.0001 0.386
treatment 3 1 -0.17445 0.02588 45.4387 <.0001 0.745
treatment 4 1 -0.69876 0.03591 278.0054 <.0001 0.646
treat_ti 1 0.01096 0.0001625 145.9549 <.0001 1.023
I am not sure if I put the interaction term wrong because the treatment is 4-category variable, but there is only one interaction term which makes the interpretation really hard. When I saw the K-M plot, only two treatments had the interaction. So my question is, did I do it correctly? If I did it correctly, how to interpret these results? Could anyone help me with it? Thank you! I will put the code below, I actually used the SAS to code it, but I think the code also can clearly demonstrate the model.
proc phreg data=one;
class treatment(ref='1');
model time*survival(0) = treatment treat_ti;
weight ps_weight;
BTW, I used the propensity score weight to balance the group.
tool on the toolbar to display code and associated results properly (or paste in text with each line having 4 leading spaces). $\endgroup$treat_ti
is just reporting a single "time-static" value for each individual based on the product of its group number and event/censoring time? Study Section 4.2 of the R time dependence vignette, the "dichotomy" between time-static and time-varying covariates in such modeling, and the warning about SAS coding on page 23. Seems like you have produced a "time-static" covariate. Revise the question when you're sure the coding is correct. $\endgroup$