Here is wolfram's definition of metric:
They say that the properties of metrics are:
- non-negative
- symmetry
- distance identity (distance between a point and itself is zero)
- triangle inequality
The KL divergence is not non-negative. It doesn't qualify. The absolute KL-divergence is non-negative. So I am going to pull a "fog of war" and "answer the question you wish were asked". I am going to evaluate whether the absolute value of KL divergence (or its positive root) comprise a metric.
1) Because it is absolute value, the non-negative is satisfied
2) Symmetry means that $g \left( x,y\right) =g \left( y,x\right)$.
The KL divergence is not symmetric in general. The univariate cases where it is symmetric are when $p \left( x\right)=q \left( x\right)$, when the PDFs under evaluation are equal in value when evaluated at the same point $x$. Absolute value of KL divergence is symmetric.
3) IDentity (in a measurement sense) is satisfied. The natural log of one approaches zero. Neither square root nor absolute value change this.
4) Triangle inequality
In order to satisfy the requirement, the following must be true:
$ KL(a,b) + KL(b,c) \ge KL(a,c)$
$ abs(KL(a,b)) + abs(KL(b,c)) \ge abs(KL(a,c))$
You can see the general form of $ abs(log(x))$ where x is the ratio of likelihoods for your PDF's of interest. Are there any places where the triangle inequality is violated?
I'm not sure how to engage this right now and will come back later. At this point, without the absolute value, the KL or sqrt(KL) is broken as a metric.
So it is now "later".
I was using a simplification of KL as $ KL = \sum_{i=1}^{N} {p(x_i) ln \left ( \frac {p(x_i)} {q(x_i)}\right )} $ being treated as $ KL_2 = \sum_{i=1}^{N} { ln \left ( \frac {p(x_i)} {q(x_i)}\right )} $ because the linear scaling isn't going to impact the nature of the metric space. The $ a_i$ is going to be (for my distributions) continuous and smooth. It could be argued that Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM's) provide a sufficient basis to represent any distribution to arbitrary precision in an analogy to Fourier Series basis for time-series signal data, but such arguments are sample size constrained.
The same sort of argument can also be made for the symmetric KL divergence.
By inspection and graphical demonstration, consider the region in the figure to the left of $ x=1$. and imagine two cases: that "a" and "b" are equal and that they are not. If they are equal, and because of the concave nature of the curve the triangle inequality holds. If they are unequal then a triangle can be drawn between the points $ (a,f(a))$, $ (b, f(b))$, and $ (a+b,f(a+b))$. The longest segment of the triangle is such that $ f(min(a,b)) \ge f(a+b) $ and the triangle inequality holds.
Now to consider when $ a = b = 1$. We get $ f(a) + f(b) = 0 + 0$ while $ f(a+b) = f(2) \gt 0$ and the triangle inequality no longer holds. In the domain where the curve is concave down for any $ f(x | x_i \ge 1)$ there are always component values for which triangle inequality is broken. For $ KL_2$ the "radius of compatibility" for the metric space is 1.
If triangle inequality is "broken" for $ KL_2$ then is it broken for $ S(P,Q)$? I will continue to think on this.