Suppose I have the following question:
A school has yearly (historical) data on the height and weight of students - each year, students take a fitness test in which they either pass or fail ("score"). Some students have been at the school longer than other students and therefore have more data (randomly simulated data below):
id height weight score 1 149.9729 76.91511 0 1 146.3454 84.32803 1 1 142.6036 73.85985 0 1 151.2100 80.61091 0 1 153.9683 82.87161 0 1 141.9738 75.41321 1 2 146.1148 68.28539 1 2 147.5398 76.08225 0
The school is interested in building a supervised classification model that can attempt to predict if an individual student is expected to pass or fail this test based on this data (i.e. based on patterns on the individual student's data and the population of students)
I had the following question: If an indicator variable is added that look at each individual students running average over all years (i.e. percentage of time they passed the test until that time ) and a statistical model such as Random Forest is then fitted to this data - is this a statistically "valid" approach?
id height weight score average
1 149.9729 76.91511 0 0.0000000
1 146.3454 84.32803 1 0.5000000
1 142.6036 73.85985 0 0.3333333
1 151.2100 80.61091 0 0.2500000
1 153.9683 82.87161 0 0.2000000
1 141.9738 75.41321 1 0.3333333
2 146.1148 68.28539 1 1.0000000
2 147.5398 76.08225 0 0.5000000
rf <- randomForest(score~., data=data)
pred = predict(rf, newdata = test_data)
One possible concern I thought of is how "valid" this approach would be for students who have only been at this school for a single year (i.e. they only have their height and weight measurements, but no "average" and "score" information) - in this case, I considered setting the first "average" as 0.5 to represent a "neutral probability", and this average would be updated as these students take the test in subsequent years.
Can someone please comment on the statistical "validity" of this approach?