I have a neural network like this
$z_1=W_{1x}\cdot x+b_1$
$z_2=W_2\cdot h_1+W_{2x}\cdot x+b_2$
$y=W_3\cdot h_2+W_{3x}\cdot x+b_3$
input and weights are matrices
Now I want the derivation repect to the input x. I used the chain rule and get:
$W_3 \cdot \text{diag}(\text{RELU'}(h_2)) \cdot (W_2 \cdot \text{diag}(\text{RELU'}(h_1)) \cdot W_{1x}+W_{2x})+W_{3x},$
with $\text{RELU'}(x)=1 \text{ if } x>0, \text{else } 0$
I am very unsure about the derivation, is this correct?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: if I use the h-derivate like this
$\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$ for very small h I get a different result than with my derivation.
My neural network has two inputs, so I use the h-derivate once for $x_1$ and once for $x_2$