Assuming a feature selection process based on correlation or some other metric, is it possible to overlook input features that by themselves show no actual correlation with the target values, but that combined together are valid?
I tried different approaches at feature selection, all start by judging one feature at a time; I also tried to use a small, single layer neural network with only one input to select features that are good predictors by themselves (this would be the equivalent of a "non-linear" correlation) to later combine them together. Both the Pearson correlation based method and the small ANN method performed well, and more complex models built with the features selected gave even better results, as expected, but I'm wondering if I missed some other opportunity to get even better results by combining features that were not selected by these approaches.
If I were to "try and combine" the features in couples i would get unreasonable computational times, especially if the analysis were to go on to triples or more...
Is it possible that i overlooked some valid features combinations? If so, are there any feature selection methods that take into consideration multiple features at a time? Can strongly non-linear features show this beauvoir?