I ran a aggregated binomial regression, with a non-binary bounded count variable, number of counseling sessions (out of a maximum possible six) attended during a clinical trial as the outcome. So participant 1 may have attended 0/6 sessions, participant 2, 4/6, participant 3 1/6 and so on. This was not a poisson regression which is for count outcomes where there is no known upper limit for the count.
The exponentiated log-odds coefficient (i.e. the odds ratio) for the predictor 'treatment group' was 1.43.
Now if this was a binary/bernoulli outcome I would report this with something like 'the odds of people in the experimental group attending a counseling session were 43% higher than for people in the placebo group'.
But how do I do this for a non-binary bounded count outcome (i.e. a count outcome where the maximum possible count is known)? It's still an odds ratio but I am just not sure how to word it. All the online guides for reporting are for logistic regression with bernoulli-type outcomes.