This post concerns three versions of the independent two sample t-test:
Student's t-test uses a pooled standard deviation in the denominator (all equations are shamelessly copied from Wikipedia - Student's t-test): $$ {\displaystyle t={\frac {{\bar {X}}_{1}-{\bar {X}}_{2}}{s_{p}\cdot {\sqrt {{\frac {1}{n_{1}}}+{\frac {1}{n_{2}}}}}}}}$$ where: $$ {\displaystyle s_{p}={\sqrt {\frac {\left(n_{1}-1\right)s_{X_{1}}^{2}+\left(n_{2}-1\right)s_{X_{2}}^{2}}{n_{1}+n_{2}-2}}}} $$ and: $$d.f. = n_1 + n_2 -2 $$ It is well known that Student's t-test can be seriously biased for unequal sample sizes and variances (Welch 1938 demonstrated this analytically, before computers and the many published simulation studies on this subject).
Next is "an alternative criterion that has often been employed," which is less biased for unequal sample sizes and variances than is Student's t (Welch 1938). This version uses the standard error of the difference in the denominator: $$ {\displaystyle t={\frac {{\bar {X}}_{1}-{\bar {X}}_{2}}{s_{\bar {\Delta }}}}} $$ where: $$ {\displaystyle s_{\bar {\Delta }}={\sqrt {{\frac {s_{1}^{2}}{n_{1}}}+{\frac {s_{2}^{2}}{n_{2}}}}}.} $$ Note that if $ n_1 = n_2 $ or $ s_{X_{1}}^{2} = s_{X_{2}}^{2} $ then Student's t-test is identical to this alternative (I'll let the reader do the algebra).
Welch (1938) presented an approximate degrees of freedom for the above statistic that further reduces bias (see Wikipedia - Welch's t-test for the formula).
Edit: I replaced the example with one that better demonstrates a Type I error.
The t.test function in R uses versions 1 or 3 above (with var.equal = TRUE or FALSE, respectively). Here's an example (see this post) where Student's and the alternative t-test are calculated from the data and then compared with the t.test function:
n1 <- 15
n2 <- 50
dat1 <- rnorm(n1, 100, 20)
dat2 <- rnorm(n2, 100, 5)
m1 <- mean(dat1)
m2 <- mean(dat2)
v1 <- var(dat1)
v2 <- var(dat2)
vp <- ((n1-1)*v1 + (n2-1)*v2) / (n1+n2-2)
t.S <- (m1-m2)/sqrt(vp/n1 + vp/n2) # Student's t (not available in R {stats})
df.S <- n1 + n2 -2 # same for Student's and Alternative t
t.A <- (m1-m2)/sqrt(v1/n1 + v2/n2) # "Alternative" t (for comparison with R)
t.R <- t.test(dat1, dat2, var.equal=TRUE) # R t.test
t.W <- t.test(dat1, dat2, var.equal=FALSE) # Welch t.test
cat(" Student's t = ", round(t.S, 3), "d.f. =" , df.S, "p.value = ", round(2*pt(abs(t.S), df=df.S, lower.tail=F), 3), "\n",
"Alternative t = ", round(t.A, 3), "d.f. =" , df.S, "p.value = ", round(2*pt(abs(t.A), df=df.S, lower.tail=F), 3), "\n",
"R (var.equal=TRUE) t = ", round(t.R$statistic, 3), "d.f. =" , t.R$parameter, "p.value = ", round(t.R$p.value, 3), "\n",
"R (var.equal=FALSE) t = ", round(t.W$statistic, 3), "d.f. =" , round(t.W$parameter, 1), "p.value = ", round(t.W$p.value, 3), "\n")
Here is the output:
Student's t = 2.956 d.f. = 63 p.value = 0.004
Alternative t = 1.768 d.f. = 63 p.value = 0.082
R (var.equal=TRUE) t = 2.956 d.f. = 63 p.value = 0.004
R (var.equal=FALSE) t = 1.768 d.f. = 14.6 p.value = 0.098
See that R is calculating the t statistics correctly. The parameters were chosen to demonstrate the serious bias that can occur when using Student's t with unequal sample sizes and variances.
Also of concern is that a linear model/ANOVA is equivalent to Student's t-test:
dat <- data.frame(y=c(dat1, dat2), g=as.factor(c(rep("A", length(dat1)), rep("B", length(dat2)))))
summary(lm(y~g, dat))
summary(aov(y~g, dat))
Here is the (abbreviated) output:
> summary(lm(y~g, dat))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 108.827 2.388 45.569 < 2e-16 ***
gB -8.049 2.723 -2.956 0.00438 **
> summary(aov(lm(y~g, dat)))
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
g 1 747 747.5 8.737 0.00438 **
Residuals 63 5390 85.6
Note that $ F = t^2 $ for independent samples. In a subsequent paper, Welch (1951) proposed a more robust version of ANOVA (the oneway.test function in R).
OK, some questions:
- What is the source of the "alternative criterion," for which Welch (1938) did not provide a reference? And, what should we call it?
- Why is the standard error of the difference superior to the pooled s.d.?
- It seems that ANOVA (LM) is robust only when sample sizes or variances are equal across the groups? I should read Welch's other paper (1951).
Welch, B.L. (1938). The significance of the difference between two means when the population variances are unequal. Biometrika 29: 350–362.
Welch, B.L. (1951). On the comparison of several mean values: an alternative approach. Biometrika 38: 330–336.