I learned that expected Hessian of negative log likelihood is the same as Fisher information matrix, which is known to be positive semi-definite
$$ \begin{aligned} F(\theta) &= E_{x \sim p_\theta}[-\nabla_\theta^2 \log p_\theta( x)] \\ &= E_{x \sim p_\theta}[\nabla_\theta\log p_\theta( x)(\nabla_\theta\log p_\theta( x))^T] \end{aligned} $$
If this is the case, my reasoning goes, any neural network that outputs negative log likelihood loss should also have positive semi-definite Hessians with regard to its parameters, because Hessians (i.e. observed Fisher information), when averaged, should be similar to the Fisher Information Matrix.
But it is contradiction to the fact that neural networks are non-convex.
Please help me resolve this contradiction. Thanks!