An additional reason that the chi-squared distribution is widely used is that it turns up as the large sample distribution of generalized likelihood ratio tests (LRT).[6] LRTs have several desirable properties; in particular, simple LRTs commonly provide the highest power to reject the null hypothesis (Neyman–Pearson lemma) and this leads also to optimality properties of generalised LRTs. However, the normal and chi-squared approximations are only valid asymptotically. For this reason, it is preferable to use the t distribution rather than the normal approximation or the chi-squared approximation for a small sample size. Similarly, in analyses of contingency tables, the chi-squared approximation will be poor for a small sample size, and it is preferable to use Fisher's exact test. Ramsey shows that the exact binomial test is always more powerful than the normal approximation.[7] :
By the central limit theorem, because the chi-squared distribution is the sum of $k$ independent random variables with finite mean and variance, it converges to a normal distribution for large $k$. For many practical purposes, for $k>50$ the distribution is sufficiently close to a normal distribution for the difference to be ignored. ${ }^{[13]}$ Specifically, if $X \sim \chi^{2}(k)$, then as $k$ tends to infinity, the distribution of $(X-k) / \sqrt{2 k}$ tends to a standard normal distribution. However, convergence is slow as the skewness is $\sqrt{8 / k}$ and the excess kurtosis is $12 / k$
Does there always exist a non-chi-squared test-statistic for the likelihood-ratio (neyman-pearson, karlin-rubin), score, and wald-tests?
In the nested-mixed models/gee, is there a better statistic than the chi-square from asymptotic theory?
Is there a method/strategy for identifying the (non-chi-squared) test-statistic in these tests? I want to avoid asymptotic distributions as I never have infinite data.
Does the uniformly most powerful property of the neyman-pearson and wilks-rubin property depend on avoiding the asymptotic chi-square distribution of the test-statistic in small sample sizes and use the correct distribution for the test-statistic or are these tests even more powerful when one chooses the correct distribution in small-samples?