I am attempting to perform a power test to determine the minimum sample size of my next upcoming experiment. First, I made a data set:
gdata = expand.grid((rep(1:10,4)), Lineage=c("A","B","C",
"D", "E", "F","G", "H", "I", "J"))
gdata$Treatment <- (Treatment=c("low","high"))
gdata$Genome = expand.grid(rep (1:40,5), Genome=c("top","bottom"))
Then, I changed some items in the dataset to factors. Lineage is already a factor:
gdata$Genome <- factor(gdata$Genome$Genome)
gdata$Treatment <- factor(gdata$Treatment)
I also made some factors as objects just to make the generalized linear mixed model easier to run:
Genome <- gdata$Genome
Lineage <- gdata$Lineage
I then added gamma distributed dependent variable to the data set since I am expecting our data to be gamma distributed: If there is another package that runs general linear mixed models I am also willing to do that. I am assuming my data will be gamma distributed because past data have been, but my data may be normally distributed in the future OR I may be able to perform a transform on my future dependent variable.
gdata$G = rgamma(100, 2, 11)
Here, I want to run a generalized linear mixed model with a gamma distribution (the default link function is fine). The dependent variable is by treatment, genome, an interaction of treatment and genome (all fixed factors). There is a random effect of lineage and lineage is nested within genome. This nesting can be seen in my dataset - Lineages A to E are Top genomes and Lineage F to J are Bottom genomes. Please let me know if my model is incorrect.
mod1 <- glmer (G ~ Treatment*Genome + ((1|Lineage)%in%Genome),
data = gdata, family = "Gamma")
I receive the warning: boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular'). I assume my random effect size is very small and/or the variance among my lineages are near 0.
I set the effect sizes of my fixed factors from the GLM (based on fixed effect from past work):
fixef(mod1)["Treatmentlow"] <- 0.4476
fixef(mod1)["Genomebottom"] <- 0.4476
fixef(mod1)["Treatmentlow:Genomebottom"] <- 0.4476
I continue to perform a power analysis with the simr
I receive an error that I don't have a default fixed effect, which I believe I do in my glmer. So I decided to run the power analysis on my random effect:
powerSim(mod1, test = random(((1|Lineage)%in%Genome)))
But I receive the error message of of my random effect being an unused argument.
This is one of the first times I am making a dataset in R so my problem might be my dataset. There is definitely a problem with the glmer, but I thought that powerSim would still allow me to use my model. Does anyone have any advice?
More information:
If I do specify a fixed effect like: powerSim(mod1, test = fixed(gdata$Genome))
I receive the warning: boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular') several times over a few minutes until I stop the code.
expand.grid(rep (1:40,5), Genome=c("top","bottom"))
generates data frame with 400 rows butgdata$G = rgamma(100, 2, 11)
generates 100 random variables (R recycles them 4 times). b)((1|Lineage)%in%Genome)
is not valid syntax. It's not clear what you want to achieve with it. $\endgroup$