I´m beginner with SPSS and I have on problem on interpreting binary logistic results. So I have this table:
Variables in the Equation
B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
Step 1ais_first_timer -1.582 .129 149.593 1 .000 .206
trip_duration -.301 .047 41.114 1 .000 .740
back_to_country .583 .130 20.030 1 .000 1.791
back_to_event 1.275 .255 25.059 1 .000 3.578
visiting_places -.179 .120 2.203 1 .138 .836
Constant 1.072 .145 54.862 1 .000 2.922
So my problem is how can I write an analysis based on that? I know I have to watch Sig and B. But what do they show me? My main problems is what does B shows me? For example if my B is -1.582 and sig is 0.000 and my dependent variable is nationality and covariates are, as you can see in the table, first timer, trip duration etc. Can I say watching this table, for example English people (0) are more likely to be first time visitors than Americans (1), and this is statistically important? Or can i say that English people have longer vacation than Americans Or i can`t say that?
I hope somebody can help me :)