I took the output from the example described in manual to one of R's packags for frailty modelling. Apart from the statistical package, how to interpret the outcome for recurrent events? Is this HR for "having more recurrences"? "for having the event and recurrences" (somehow adjusted)? How to interpret the HRs?
> modJoint.gap
frailtyPenal(formula = Surv(time, event) ~ cluster(id) + sex +
dukes + charlson + terminal(death), formula.terminalEvent = ~sex +
dukes + charlson, data = readmission, recurrentAG = FALSE,
n.knots = 10, kappa = c(100, 100), hazard = "Splines")
Joint gamma frailty model for recurrent and a terminal event processes
using a Penalized Likelihood on the hazard function
coef exp(coef) SE coef (H) SE coef (HIH) z p
sexFemale -0.527310 0.59019 0.140818 0.137168 -3.74462 1.8067e-04
dukesC 0.397348 1.48787 0.154980 0.172323 2.56387 1.0351e-02
dukesD 1.274035 3.57525 0.202234 0.180836 6.29981 2.9801e-10
charlson1-2 0.390411 1.47759 0.256722 0.324360 1.52075 1.2832e-01
charlson3 0.433207 1.54220 0.136762 0.143414 3.16760 1.5370e-03
chisq df global p
dukes 46.2610 2 9.01e-11
charlson 12.3464 2 2.08e-03
Terminal event:
coef exp(coef) SE coef (H) SE coef (HIH) z p
sexFemale -0.340342 0.711527 0.220174 0.248636 -1.54579 1.2216e-01
dukesC 0.903630 2.468547 0.337757 0.337335 2.67539 7.4643e-03
dukesD 2.724323 15.246081 0.382510 0.373507 7.12223 1.0619e-12
charlson1-2 0.714284 2.042723 0.624573 0.565360 1.14364 2.5277e-01
charlson3 1.112842 3.042996 0.246157 0.263593 4.52086 6.1589e-06
chisq df global p
dukes 62.0806 2 3.31e-14
charlson 20.7119 2 3.18e-05
Frailty parameters:
theta (variance of Frailties, w): 0.737739 (SE (H): 0.104455 ) p = 8.1612e-13
alpha (w^alpha for terminal event): 0.733697 (SE (H): 0.218835 ) p = 0.00080016
Penalized marginal log-likelihood = -0.48
Convergence criteria:
parameters = 4.16e-06 likelihood = 5.66e-05 gradient = 4.24e-08
Likelihood Cross-Validation (LCV) criterion in the semi parametrical case:
approximate LCV = 0.0351718
n observations= 861 n subjects= 403
n recurrent events= 458
n terminal events= 109
n censored events= 403
number of iterations: 8
Number of nodes for the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature: 20
Exact number of knots used: 10
Value of the smoothing parameters: 100 100