I already read the q/a's from here and here. These answers are quite a bit complicated for me. I need something easy to understand and explain to any interviewer. I read lots of articles like;
What is the difference between estimation, extrapolation, prediction, and forecasting?
and lots more...
What I got from these articles in a nutshell is:
What: It approximates the result based upon historical understanding and experience.
When do we need to estimate: If we don’t have data to support an exact result, then in such case we do a rough estimation.
where do we use: Financial transaction, Estimating the cost of the item which has a price tag of “$10 + Vat”, Estimating the number of people who could attend the party, Estimate current time without looking to the watch and so on.
What: It gives output close to the actual answer based upon past data but ignores certain conditions.
When do we need to predict: To have a sense of control
Where do we use: Fraud detection, Content recommendation, Health diagnosis, House price prediction, and so on
What: It gives output closest to the actual answer that may possibly happen in the future. It is also a type of prediction. It predicts what will happen in the future by taking into consideration events in the past and present both
When do we need to forecast: To predict the possible future with high accuracy.
Where do we use: Business Planning, Budgeting, Investing money in any business wisely, Weather forecasting, and so on
I tried to explain them very easily but still, I feel like most of the explanation is vague. Could anyone help me to make my explanation easy, clear, and correct?