OK, I have been reading around on how to interpret transformed models, ... including this thread:
Analysing log and square-root transformed variables
I am interested in the OP's (of the link above) question in terms of using multiple transformations in the same model. Lets say I have proportion data on 3 land cover categories used as IVs in OLS regressions. The issue is that 2 of the 3 variables are skewed to some degree.
One land cover variable is positively skewed; this is alleviated to some degree with the arcsin sqrt transformation, and the other is negatively skewed and this is alleviated by log10 transformation. Could someone explain to me 1) if this is OK, and 2) how to interpret the results as is done here:
Interpretation of log transformed predictor
I would like to be able to compare the relative influence of these predictors.
An alternative would be to retain the log transform on one land cover variable, and not transform the other two. If this is done, how could I compare the relative effect of the land cover variables on a particular Y?
Unfortunately, it seems what is good for the goose in this instance is not good for the gander.
Thank you for any help. Patrick