Actually the solve the SVM is to solve the following Lagrangian Equation:
If we don't use kernel function, $\langle x^{(i)},x^{(j)}\rangle$ is just the vector vector inner product. The $a_ia_j\langle x^{(j)},x^{(j)}\rangle $ is the same to $\langle a_ix^{(i)}, a_jx^{(j)}\rangle $ in the formula.
But if we use the kernel function
. That's totally different, right?
Q: So Can I get the same train result between $\langle a_ix^{(i)}, a_jx^{(j)}\rangle$ and $a_ia_j\langle x^{(j)},x^{(j)}\rangle $?