In a setting with a binary $y$ like dog/cat, a reasonable statistical model is to posit that the probability parameter $p$ of a $\text{Binomial}(1, 0)$ distribution is some function $f$ of features $X$. This leads to many common machine learning approaches like logistic regression and neural networks.
In a setting with multiple classes in $y$, such as dog/cat/horse, a reasonable statistical model is that the multiple probability values $\vec p$ of a $\text{Multinomial}(1, \vec p)$ distribution is some function of features $X$. Much like in the binary setting, this leads to many common approaches like multinomial logistic regression and various forms of deep learning (e.g., convolutional neural networks for MNIST handwritten digits).
In a multi-label setting, such as identifying if a photograph contains a dog, a cat, or both, what would be the statistical model?
(To a large extent, I think I mean the formal likelihood, regardless of the functional form of expressing the probability of class membership as depending on the features, but I want to leave it a bit vague to allow for an answer that I’m thinking about it wrong by thinking of statistical likelihood.)
The comments have clarified that an Ising likelihood works. With that being the case, how do the prior probabilities of the classes come into the picture? For instance, in a logistic regression, if I have $99$ $0$s for every $1$, I expect low probabilities of $1$ unless the features are extremely informative. In a multi-label setting, it seems like the prior probability of each class would be the ratio of that class to all possible alternatives, which I would consider to be zero: out of every possible sight there is to see, the probability of seeing a dog ought to be tiny or even zero (and the fact that we’re on Earth (for now) and near dogs is what allows us to see dogs with frequency).
It seems like something like this fails for multi-label classification.