So, for my research paper I have to write an equation for my multiple regression model. My independent variable is STOCK PRICE; my independent variable is before/after (denoted TIME on my equation) which means it is a dummy variable with the values of 0 and 1; I also have two control variables of PROFIT and CAPITALIZATION.
So what I have usually seen when building a model is two subscripts i and j, where i is the time and j is the company. However the same company in my sample can appear more than once given that the before/after variable refers to specific events which can occur more than once in a company. Therefore, should I add a third subscript for the event?
My final formula would look like this
PRICEijk = β1TIMEijk + β2PROFITijk + β3SIZEijk
Would this be alright or is there some rule that regressions should only have the two subscripts i and j?
Or would it be better to define one subscript in terms of two parameters? i.e. subscript i refers to firm X impacted by event Y, while k refers to the time period?