Consider the density function given by
$$ \left[\dfrac{\gamma_{\leq0} \mathbb{1}(t \leq 0) + \gamma_{>0} \mathbb{1}(t > 0)}{\gamma_{\leq0}\Phi\left(- \mu / \sigma\right) + \gamma_{>0}\Phi\left(\mu / \sigma\right)}\right] \phi\left(\dfrac{t - \mu}{\sigma}\right). $$
The parameters $\gamma_{\leq 0}$ and $\gamma_{>0}$ denote the respective probabilities of observing a value of $t \in \mathbb{R}$ if it is nonpositive and positive. In addition, $\Phi(\cdot)$ denotes the standard Normal CDF and $\phi(\cdot)$ the standard Normal pdf. The function $\mathbb{1}(\cdot)$ is the indicator function.
Suppose that the values of the parameters $\gamma_{\leq 0}$, $\gamma_{>0}$ and $\sigma$ are all known. Given a value of $t$, what is the value of $\mu$ that assigns the greatest density to $t$? I.e., what is the MLE of $\mu$?
If the density function were simply $\phi\left(\dfrac{t - \mu}{\sigma}\right)$, then the MLE of $\mu$ would be whichever value is equal to the observed $t$. But I'm not sure how to derive the MLE with the additional factor of $\left[\dfrac{\gamma_{\leq0} \mathbb{1}(t \leq 0) + \gamma_{>0} \mathbb{1}(t > 0)}{\gamma_{\leq0}\Phi\left(- \mu / \sigma\right) + \gamma_{>0}\Phi\left(\mu / \sigma\right)}\right]$. Thanks so much for any help.