I am trying to run a Repeated Measures Mixed Effect ANOVA in R. However, the syntax of the code is really tricky and it seems like there is not a lot of clarity on how to run it as I do my research.
My Fixed effects:
- soil_type = 2 levels
- treatment = 4 levels
Repeated measure:
- days = 3 levels
Random effect:
- rep = 3 levels (I know that this is probably too low of a replication for a random effect, unsure how big of an issue it will be)
The code I tried first was with the lmer package:
cl.mod <- lmer(cl_conc ~ soil_type * treatment + (days|rep), data = leach.conc, REML = FALSE)
and I received this output:
Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F)
soil_type 3681 3680.8 1 67.858 20.9813 2.041e-05 ***
treatment 54038 18012.6 3 67.858 102.6751 < 2.2e-16 ***
soil_type:treatment 925 308.2 3 67.858 1.7567 0.1637
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
It looks right to me, but I do not think that I have the "days" (repeated measure) variable in the right location in the code. I am unsure where exactly this should go. Should the code reflect this instead?
cl.mod <- lmer(cl_conc ~ soil_type * treatment *days + (1|rep), data = leach.conc, REML = FALSE)
Alternatively, I have used the rstatix package running this code:
cl.conc.aov <- anova_test(
data = leach.conc, dv = cl_conc_trans, wid = core_id,
between = c(soil_type, treatment), within = c(days))
but then I am unsure where the random variable of "rep" goes.
Any advice is appreciated! Just trying to learn some stats.
Below is the dataset that I am using. Each core_id is a combination of soil_type, treatment and replicate which was measured over 3 time periods. I intend to see how soil_type and treatment affects cl_conc and using time as a repeated measure.
soil_type treatment days rep core_id cl_conc
1 Medium Solid 4 1 MS1 18.10
2 Medium Solid 11 1 MS1 18.10
3 Medium Solid 18 1 MS1 17.40
4 Medium Liquid 4 1 ML1 77.10
5 Medium Liquid 11 1 ML1 81.40
6 Medium Liquid 18 1 ML1 66.80
7 Medium KCl 4 1 MK1 19.40
8 Medium KCl 11 1 MK1 22.30
9 Medium KCl 18 1 MK1 36.90
10 Medium Control 4 1 MC1 1.90
11 Medium Control 11 1 MC1 1.20
12 Medium Control 18 1 MC1 0.60
13 Fine Solid 4 1 FS1 27.80
14 Fine Solid 11 1 FS1 28.30
15 Fine Solid 18 1 FS1 28.30
16 Fine Liquid 4 1 FL1 107.80
17 Fine Liquid 11 1 FL1 150.30
18 Fine Liquid 18 1 FL1 94.60
19 Fine KCl 4 1 FK1 84.80
20 Fine KCl 11 1 FK1 53.40
21 Fine KCl 18 1 FK1 51.90
22 Fine Control 4 1 FC1 9.10
23 Fine Control 11 1 FC1 4.25
24 Fine Control 18 1 FC1 1.90
25 Medium Solid 4 2 MS2 19.80
26 Medium Solid 11 2 MS2 20.70
27 Medium Solid 18 2 MS2 20.50
28 Medium Liquid 4 2 ML2 102.00
29 Medium Liquid 11 2 ML2 56.70
30 Medium Liquid 18 2 ML2 47.40
31 Medium KCl 4 2 MK2 33.40
32 Medium KCl 11 2 MK2 15.30
33 Medium KCl 18 2 MK2 19.90
34 Medium Control 4 2 MC2 2.00
35 Medium Control 11 2 MC2 1.20
36 Medium Control 18 2 MC2 0.80
37 Fine Solid 4 2 FS2 37.10
38 Fine Solid 11 2 FS2 39.80
39 Fine Solid 18 2 FS2 34.80
40 Fine Liquid 4 2 FL2 81.90
41 Fine Liquid 11 2 FL2 67.50
42 Fine Liquid 18 2 FL2 56.00
43 Fine KCl 4 2 FK2 41.10
44 Fine KCl 11 2 FK2 38.30
45 Fine KCl 18 2 FK2 30.90
46 Fine Control 4 2 FC2 12.40
47 Fine Control 11 2 FC2 6.00
48 Fine Control 18 2 FC2 3.10
49 Medium Solid 4 3 MS3 27.80
50 Medium Solid 11 3 MS3 27.80
51 Medium Solid 18 3 MS3 24.90
52 Medium Liquid 4 3 ML3 79.70
53 Medium Liquid 11 3 ML3 65.50
54 Medium Liquid 18 3 ML3 55.20
55 Medium KCl 4 3 MK3 13.50
56 Medium KCl 11 3 MK3 20.40
57 Medium KCl 18 3 MK3 24.70
58 Medium Control 4 3 MC3 1.60
59 Medium Control 11 3 MC3 1.20
60 Medium Control 18 3 MC3 0.70
61 Fine Solid 4 3 FS3 42.70
62 Fine Solid 11 3 FS3 40.50
63 Fine Solid 18 3 FS3 30.10
64 Fine Liquid 4 3 FL3 121.20
65 Fine Liquid 11 3 FL3 73.60
66 Fine Liquid 18 3 FL3 38.00
67 Fine KCl 4 3 FK3 53.00
68 Fine KCl 11 3 FK3 38.50
69 Fine KCl 18 3 FK3 22.30
70 Fine Control 4 3 FC3 4.70
71 Fine Control 11 3 FC3 1.90
72 Fine Control 18 3 FC3 0.85
Boxplot represents a visualization of how cl_conc changes through time grouped together by soil type and treatment. Each boxplot represents the 3 reps of each unique core_id in that given time period.