I am currently working on a heavily imbalanced classification model that predicts if someone is going to list their property in the market in 6 months or not, there are 30 million properties in the UK so potentially a dataset of 30M rows to train on times the amount of times each property has had a listing. However, the model has been trained on data from only one year worth of historical transactions with LightGBM and oversampling for the minority class to decrease the imbalance a little bit (by no means is a balanced dataset, now it is just 4% for the minority class instead of 1%). The training set is divided train/val and Finally, the model is scored and evaluated in the 30 million properties on the last 6 months.
Now, the problem is not with the modelling, this is just in case I'm missing something, the problem is with the model calibration. I have run the calibration on 10 bins/deciles for 5 different versions of the model (using different points in time) and it looks very well except for the top decile. As you can see in the picture, it is a non decreasing line except for the top decile where it drastically drops. I was wondering if you have any ideas as to why this might happen.