Your simulation appears to be working as expected.
Here's a verification using optim()
to directly maximise the log-likelihood function you've written yourself in the question (noting that the number of blocks, $m$, should actually be 1000 and not 100). The results are equivalent to what fevd()
is estimating (within a margin of error).
# Data generating process
n <- 100 # observations within each block
m <- 1000 # number of blocks
x <- rexp(n*m, 1)
x_agg <- aggregate(x, list(gl(m, n)), max)
# Optional: Rescale to force mu=0 and sigma=1
# x_agg$x <- x_agg$x - log(n)
# Log-likelihood function: Eq. 3.9 Coles (2001) pg. 55
ll_fn <- function(par, z, m){
mu <- par[1]
sigma <- par[2]
-m * log(sigma) - sum((z - mu)/sigma) - sum(exp(-((z - mu)/sigma)))
# Fit using optim ----
# Note fnscale set to maximise ll_fn
# hessian = TRUE for Fisher Info if needed
fit1 <- optim(par = c(1, 1),
fn = ll_fn, z = x_agg$x, m = m,
hessian = TRUE, control = list(fnscale = -1))
# $par
# [1] 4.661471 1.006802
# $value
# [1] -1588.832
# Fit using extRemes ----
fit2 <- fevd(x_agg$x, type = "Gumbel")
# Negative Log-Likelihood Value: 1588.832
# Estimated parameters:
# location scale
# 4.661528 1.006741
In fact, without fitting a model at all you can verify that if the block maxima in this simulation are Gumbel distributed, this distribution can't be centred on $\mu = 0$.
Here's what the raw x_agg$x
looks like just plotting the data
# Simple histogram and density overlay
hist(x_agg$x, probability = TRUE, breaks = 38, xlab = "Block Maxima - rexp(1)")
lines(density(x_agg$x), lty = 2)
The proof you've reproduced above leading you to expect the parameter estimates to approach the standard Gumbel ($\mu = 0$, $\sigma = 1$) is actually based on rescaling the block maxima by the log number of observations within each block, i.e., $\text{max}\{X_1, \dots, X_m\} - \log(n)$. This rescale does indeed result in the standard Gumbel, which you can verify using the code above, but note that when working with the raw block maxima, the parameter estimates will differ.
A more comprehensive discussion on this is provided in Chapter 3 of Coles, S. (2001). An introduction to statistical modeling of extreme values. London: Springer.
type = "Gumbel"
. Is there a reason you haven't tried this, or that it won't work? $\endgroup$fevd(data, type="Gumbel")
? $\endgroup$x <- rexp(1000, 1.3); x_agg <- aggregate(x, list(gl(100, 10)), max); fit <- fevd(x_agg$x, type = "Gumbel")