I understand EM algorithm is often used for missing data/mixture problem. But can it be used to optimize a particular type of likelihood based on jointly fitting variables and transformations of those variables?
I am fitting a logistic regression model: $Y$ is the usual binary dependent variable, $\mathbf{X}'$ is a matrix of independent variables. However, the data $\mathbf{X}' = f_{\alpha}(\mathbf{X})$ are a function of some parameters, $\alpha$. Specifically $X_{.,j}' = \alpha_j^{X_{.,j}}$. We observe only $\mathbf{X}$ and $Y$.
This gives the linear model:
$\mbox{logit} (Y|X) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \alpha_1 ^{X_1} + \ldots + \beta_k \alpha_k ^{X_k} $
Is there any other method that jointly estimate this model? The one that I can think of is to use a global search. Steps are:
- Randomly generate the three alpha parameters within its definition space, fit the model to get coefficient and AUC.
- Repeat step 1 for 1000 times.
- Choose the alphas that gives the best AUC.
Does this approach make sense? What I am trying to do is to get the optimized parameter. Thank you.