I am new to mixed-effect models and statistics, and I need to do a project for my thesis using mixed-effect modeling techniques.
My research aims to model how cardiovascular risk scores change over time. In this case, my mixed-effect model is
lmer(log(Score) ~ Time + I(Time ^2) + (1+ Time + I(Time ^2) | Patients))
I have log transformed the score to improve the model fit. Quadratic function of time shows a better model fit. The random effect is allowing intercept and time to vary among patients.
I got an issue with the residuals of my best-fitted mixed-effect model. Q-Q plot shows the residuals are not normal on the individual level. However, the residuals look normal at the population level. If I fit a linear model (without the random effect component), the residuals also look normal. Hence, I suspected the issue was due to the random effect structure. I've been playing around with different random effect structures and correlations in the lme4 package in R, but neither could fix the residual issue.
I really need help to get through.