I am struggling to obtain the Value at Risk from my DCC GARCH analysis. I have done the following code:
SMF.frame <- data.frame(df_fuldperiode$spot_log_returns [2:2217], df_fuldperiode$monthly_log_returns [2:2217])
sspec <- ugarchspec ( mean.model = list( armaOrder = c ( 5 , 4 )))
mspec <- ugarchspec ( mean.model = list( armaOrder = c ( 0 , 1 )))
smspec <- multispec ( c (sspec , mspec) )
smfit <- multifit (smspec, data = SMF.frame)
dccsmspec <- dccspec(uspec=smspec, dccOrder = c (1,1), VAR = TRUE, distribution ="mvt")
dccsmfit <- dccfit(dccsmspec, data = SMF.frame,
fit.control = list(eval.se=TRUE, fit = smfit))
dcc_rfore <- dccroll(dccsmspec,
data= SMF.frame,
n.ahead = 1,
forecast.length = forecast_len,
refit.every = 5, )
I wonder how I can extract the 95% VaR and 99% VaR. Can anyone help with this issue?
method described on p. 87 of the rugarch help files. $\endgroup$