The book says: for the standard linear regression model, we assume:
\begin{equation} y_i= \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + \epsilon_i \end{equation}
where $E[\epsilon_i]=0$ and $Var[\epsilon_i]=\sigma^2$. Homoskedasticity implies that the errors are independent of the covariates. For constructing confidence interval and hypothesis testing, we assume $\epsilon_i$~$N(0,\sigma^2)$. In this case, the observations of the response variable follow a (conditional) normal distribution with $E[y_i]= \beta_0 +\beta_1 x_i$ ; $Var[y_i]=\sigma^2$ and the $y_i$ are (conditionally) independent given covariate values $x_i$.
Why $y_i$ are conditionally independent from the covariates $x_i$? Linear regression should be about estimating the expected value of $y_i$ conditioned to a sequence of covariates. How $y_i$ is conditionally independent from $x_i$?