I am running a probit regression model to test my hypothesis. As one cannot deduce the magnitude of the effect of the independent variables on my dependent one, I have calculated the average marginal effects of my regression. My problem is, that there are AME in the output table (I used margins(regression) to calculate this) that are bigger than 1, for example, 1.2713. Does this mean that by an increase in my variable Y the chances of obtaining 1 for my X increase by 127%? Can this be? Or could there be a problem with how I operationalized by Y variable?
probitdd <- glm(escape ~ avg_polity2 + log(avg_gdp) + avg_durable + log(avg_totmipopula) + avg_accountability + log(avg_libdem), family = binomial(link = "probit"), data = coilp5dd)
Dependent variable:
avg_polity2 -0.2
log(avg_gdp) 0.9*
avg_durable -0.02
log(avg_totmipopula) -0.7*
avg_accountability -3.9
avg_libdem 4.7
Constant 6.9
m2 <- margins(probitdd)
1 avg_accountability -1.0469
2 avg_durable -0.0059
3 avg_gdp 0.0014
4 avg_libdem 1.2713
5 avg_polity2 -0.0537
6 avg_totmipopula -0.0000