The most flexible method I am aware of is to use the bootstrap approach. I have seen some recommend concatenation as a way to average densities see this link, but from my simulations I do not see that method working.
I will compare the concatenation (concat
) approach and the bootstrap (boot_avg
) approach here via simulation. My hope is that if there are other methods available they can also be run in a similar simulation.
Some math
To have a flexible method in hand which could work in general it is nice to start with an analytical solution and see which methods approach the analytical truth.
If random variable A is:
f_A(x) = \int_{y=\infty}^{x} N(y\mid 10, 5) \, dy
and random variable B is:
f_B(x) = \int_{y=\infty}^{x} N(y\mid 20, 5) \, dy
N(x\mid\mu,\sigma) = \frac{e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^2}}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}
Then the analytical solution would be:
f_Z(x) = \int_{y=\infty}^{x} N(y\mid 15,\frac{5}{\sqrt{2}}) \, dy
Conclusion, with $Z$ in hand, the true density of the average of two normals, we can now see which methods approach this density.
In the simulations below I show a bootstrap approach which seems to work well to average the densities and the quantiles generated from this method give valid quantiles which match the true $Z$.
from numpy.lib.function_base import meshgrid
import numpy as np
from itertools import product, repeat
from numpy.random import triangular, normal
from plotnine import ggplot, aes, facet_wrap, geom_histogram, stat_ecdf, labs
from plotnine.themes import theme_538
from plotnine.scales import scale_fill_manual, scale_color_manual
import pandas as pd
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
red = "#DD0031"
white = "#FFFFFF"
burgandy = "#AF272F"
dark_blue = "#004F71"
light_blue = "#3EB1C8"
blackish = "#202336"
n, u1, u2, sd = 500, 10, 20, 5
u_avg = np.mean([u1,u2])
a = rng.normal(u1, sd, size=n)
b = rng.normal(u2, sd, size=n)
concat = rng.choice(np.concatenate([a,b]), size = n)
z = rng.normal(u_avg, sd/np.sqrt(2), size=n)
def boot(tuple_a_and_b):
return np.mean([rng.choice(tuple_a_and_b[0]), rng.choice(tuple_a_and_b[1])])
tuple_a_and_b = (a,b)
boot_replications = repeat(tuple_a_and_b, n) # n replications
boot_avg = np.array(list(map(boot, boot_replications)))
df_distributions = pd.DataFrame({'A': a, 'B': b, 'boot_avg': boot_avg, 'concat': concat, 'true': z}).unstack().reset_index().rename(columns={"level_0": "distribution", 0: "value"}).drop(columns = "level_1")
+ geom_histogram(aes(x = 'value', fill = 'distribution'), color = 'white')
+facet_wrap('~distribution',ncol = 1)
+scale_fill_manual(values = [red, burgandy, light_blue, dark_blue, blackish])
+labs(title = "The Bootstrap Average Approaches The True Average")

+ stat_ecdf(aes(x = 'value', color = 'distribution'))
+scale_color_manual(values = [red, burgandy, light_blue, dark_blue, blackish])
+labs(title = "The Bootstrap Average Approaches The True Average")

Now lets see the $0.95$ quantile from the different distributions.
data = {
'calculation':['quantile(a, 0.95)','quantile(b, 0.95)','quantile(concat, 0.95)','quantile(boot_avg, 0.95)','mean(q95(a), q95(b))','true'],
'q95': [
np.round(np.quantile(a, .95), 2),
np.round(np.quantile(b, .95), 2),
np.round(np.quantile(concat, .95), 2),
np.round(np.quantile(boot_avg, .95), 2),
np.round(np.mean([np.quantile(a, .95),np.quantile(b, .95)]), 2),
np.round(np.quantile(true, .95), 2)
calculation |
q95 |
quantile(a, 0.95) |
18.02 |
quantile(b, 0.95) |
28.09 |
quantile(concat, 0.95) |
26.68 |
quantile(boot_avg, 0.95) |
20.9 |
mean(q95(a), q95(b)) |
23.06 |
true |
20.58 |
The the plots and table show that the concatenation method does not approach the true average density while the bootstrap approach does.