I begin exposing the context of my work, and the main doubt or approach about. My project is based in a clinical trial in which I have 3 groups of intervention (OO, NTS, LFD). The individuals (n = 151) are almost equally distributed in the 3 groups, and teh variables to measure are genes: these genes are measured at baseline and 12 months after the intervention (a combination of diet, physical activity, therapy...).
The idea of using PCA is to observe clusters according to the upregulation or downregulation of these genes. Until now I have done PCA in just the genes, expressed in a numeric and continuous variable, and normalized/standardized (not in statistical sense, but I will standardize/scale the data before running PCA) relative to control genes. However I came across the FAMD modality (Factomine package), and theoretically combines categorical variables with continuous quantitative variables. The most intuitive and coherent idea would be the observation of clusters according to the groups (if there are in whichever way)
My database would be made up by 151 individuals (as rownames) and 51 variables ( 1 categorical and 50 continuous). I have missing values across my database (NOT in the categorical variable) which I intend to impute. Would be FAMD the optimal approach? Is there any modification in PCA that let include a categorical variable? About the imputation process, would you recommend me to impute with missMDA::imputePCA or missMDA::imputeFAMD?
Thank you so much!
grup_int ppara ppard pparg nr1h3 nr1h2 rxra rxrb cyp27a1
50109018 LFD 3.761 1.575 2.201 1.550 0.861 1.402 0.987 1.058
50109019 LFD 1.276 1.096 1.171 1.451 1.744 1.280 0.938 1.079
50109025 LFD 0.918 1.278 1.330 1.046 0.824 1.076 1.882 1.152
50109026 NTS NA 1.303 1.303 1.294 0.665 1.105 1.506 0.743
50109027 LFD NA 1.282 0.991 0.797 0.913 1.400 2.067 1.803
50118001 OO NA 1.954 1.471 1.602 1.355 1.327 1.526 1.157