Mean-Field Variational Inference
In general mean-field variational inference, there is no distinction between local and global variables. The main elements are:
- Generative Model.
where the latent variables $z$ can be partitioned into $M$ components, $z = \{z_1, \dots, z_m \}$. Each $z_i$ may be multi-dimensional, but we typically assume it is a one-dimensional scalar.
- Variational Family. Given observed data $x$, we approximate $p(z\mid x)$ using mean-field variational inference by optimizing over all distributions $q$ that take the form
q(z;x) = \prod_{i=1}^{M}q_{i}(z_i;x)
where I have included $x$ to highlight the fact that the variational distribution depends on the observed data. Let $Q$ be the collection of all probability distributions $q$ over $z$ that factorize via mean-field as in Eq (2).
- Optimization Objective.
\min_{ q \in Q} \mathrm{KL}(q(z;x) \mid\mid p(z|x)).
Using the calculus of variations, it can be shown that the optimal mean-field distribution $q^*(z)$ satisfies
q^*_i(z_i;x) \propto \exp\left\{ \mathbb{E}_{\prod_{j=1,j\ne l}^M q^*(z_j;x)}\left[ \log p(z, x) \right] \right\} && (i=1,\dots,m).
The above equation tells us how to compute the optimal marginals $q^*(z_i)$ in terms of all the other marginals. If we are lucky enough to be able to compute the above expectations analytically, then we can find $q^*$ numerically by using coordinate ascent. See Bishop (2006) for convergence conditions of coordinate ascent.
Variational Auto-Encoder / Amortized Inference
Variational auto-encoders make more assumptions than the mean-field case stated above. There are two main specializations.
- Generative Model.
p_\theta(z,x) = \prod_{i=1}^m p_\theta(z_i)p_\theta(x_i | z_i).
In contrast to the general form in Eq (1a), in Eq (1b) we are treating $\theta$ as "global" parameters (i.e., not latent variables) and setting $z_i$ to be the "local" latent variables. Here, each $i = 1,\dots,m$ indexes a data item, and each $z_i$ is typically multi-dimensional. Note that we are treating $\theta$ in a "non-Bayesian" way.
- Variational Family.
q(z;x,\phi) = \prod_{i=1}^mq(z_i; x_i, \phi)
again factorizes (i.e., mean-field). However, the fundamental difference between Eq (2b) and Eq (2a) is that the factors $q(z_i; x_i, \phi)$ are all parameterized by a shared parameter $\phi$ (typically the weights of a neural network). Unlike the "parameter-free" Eq (2a), we do not specify a separate marginal $q_i$ for each $z_i$ $(i=1,\dots,m)$ but we instead learn the parameter $\phi$, which gives us the approximate distribution over all $z_1, \dots, z_m$ at once.
- Optimization Objective.
\min_{\phi}\mathrm{KL}(q(z;x,\phi) \mid\mid p_\theta(z|x)).
Eq (3b) is again over more restricted family than Eq (3a). We have assumed above that $\theta$ is known and fixed, but we typically also optimize the parameters using the objective
\min_{\theta,\phi}\mathrm{KL}(q(z;x,\phi) \mid\mid p_\theta(z|x))
which is also a special case of Eq (3a) where $\theta$ is a latent variable with a uniform (improper prior) and the marginal $q(\phi)$ of the latent $\phi$ is constrained to be a dirac delta.