I used the "Matchit" package in R to perform propensity score matching on my data set and want to calculate the average treatment effect afterward. I use a caliper of 0.2 Std. deviations and the full method to avoid a 1:1 matching ratio (Purpose: Increase validity).
I used the following code:
x <- matchit(Treatment ~ x1 + x2 + ... xn,
method = "full",
replace = TRUE,
distance= logit_PSM,
caliper = 0.2,
data = PSM_m1_clean
Everything has worked fine, and I can match multiple control units with a single treatment unit. To calculate the average, I use logistic regression. Do I have to include weights in my regression, or can I ignore them? Because my results are significant without including weights.
reg <- lm(Outcome ~ Treatment, data = match.data(x))
reg <- lm(Outcome ~ Treatment, data = match.data(x), weights = weights)