What you have is an $M/M/2/3$ queue with $1$ waiting capacity (the last $3$ refers to the maximum number of people in the system.) The queue occupancy probabilities are found in the general case $(M/M/c/K)$ using the following formulae, which give the probability $p_n$ of $n \, (0 \leq n \leq K)$ people in the system:
p_n &=& &{\lambda^n \over n!\mu^n}p_0 && 1 \leq n < c \\
&=& &{\lambda^n \over c^{n-c}c!\mu^n} p_0 && c \leq n \leq K
$p_0$ can be derived from the condition that the probabilities must sum to 1.
The probability that the system is full at any time is:
$$p_c = {r^K \over c^{K-c}c!}p_0 $$
where $r = \lambda / \mu$. Since Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages (PASTA), the fraction of arrivals that will see $K$ people in the queue when they arrive and will leave as a consequence is equal to the probability that there are $K$ people in the queue in the steady state.
In your case $r = 2$ and $K = 3$, giving:
$$p_0 + \left(2 + {2^2\over 2} + {2^3 \over 2\cdot 2}\right)p_0 = 1 $$
resulting in $p_0 = 1/7$ and, after some minor calculation, $p_3 = 2/7$.
We can demonstrate the $M/M/c/K$ queue result with a little simulation. Here we make use of the fact that since all the interarrival times are distributed Exponentially, time is irrelevant; we have a continuous time Markov chain, and the transition probabilities are independent of time due to the memoryless property of the Exponential distribution.
lambda <- 2
mu <- 1
n_arrive <- 0
n_balk <- 0
n_servers_occupied <- 0
queue_length <- 0
for (i in 1:1000000) {
p_arrival <- lambda / (lambda + n_servers_occupied*mu)
if (runif(1) <= p_arrival) {
n_arrive <- n_arrive + 1
if (n_servers_occupied == 2 & queue_length == 1) {
n_balk <- n_balk + 1
} else if (n_servers_occupied == 2) {
queue_length = 1
} else {
n_servers_occupied <- n_servers_occupied + 1
} else {
if (queue_length == 1) {
queue_length <- 0
} else {
n_servers_occupied <- n_servers_occupied - 1
n_balk / n_arrive
[1] 0.2862546
> 2/7
[1] 0.2857143