Working in health science research. We have generated correlations between two variables. This is the amount of two proteins in the system. I wanted to make a straight line with slope, but the values of the straight lines are not consistent with the R values of the Spearman correlation test.
Indeed, the R is negative while the slope of the line is positive. Or vice versa. Or two lines are similar, but the R is totally different. It cannot be published in a newspaper. I then wonder how to represent the correlation between the two variables on the graphs and see the evolution of the point cloud?
(1 and 2 are two different populations)
Thanks for your advices !
Whuber: yes sorry, I expressed myself badly. We performed Spearman correlations, and we wanted to visually represent the trend of the data with a straight line. (not necessarily a non-linear line of regression). It does not matter whether the correlation is good, significant or not. Just show at a glance if there is a correlation or not.
I had in mind the correlation could be represented by a straight line. And the values of the correlation test made it possible to show scientifically that this is valid.
But with Alexis, I understand that I can't do that. And these graphs prove it, where I have negative R's with positive slopes.
I will try in log.
Is there a visual method to represent a correlation on this type of graph? Because in life sciences, a representation of the genre is often more convincing for scientific journals.
Afterwards, I am not a mathematician or a statistician, so there are a lot of gaps. And I work on the GraphPad prism software, which may have some limitations.
chrishmorris: Indeed, we have an R and not an R².
Here is the type of data we have with a spearman correlation test in the GraphPad Prism software.