I am using generalized additive models in R with an correlated structure on the residuals, however I am unable to extract the actual coefficients of the AR(p) structure even though they are provide in the output. Here is an example of an output and I am interested in being able to extract the Phi value of 0.6100947.
>GAM_sim1<-(gamm(y_sim~s(x_sim, bs="cs", k=40), correlation = corARMA(p=length(AR))))
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Data: strip.offset(mf)
Log-likelihood: -250.7398
Fixed: y ~ X - 1
Random effects:
Formula: ~Xr - 1 | g
Structure: pdIdnot
Xr1 Xr2 Xr3 Xr4 Xr5 Xr6 Xr7 Xr8
StdDev: 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312
Xr9 Xr10 Xr11 Xr12 Xr13 Xr14 Xr15 Xr16
StdDev: 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312
Xr17 Xr18 Xr19 Xr20 Xr21 Xr22 Xr23 Xr24
StdDev: 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312
Xr25 Xr26 Xr27 Xr28 Xr29 Xr30 Xr31 Xr32
StdDev: 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312
Xr33 Xr34 Xr35 Xr36 Xr37 Xr38 Xr39 Residual
StdDev: 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 0.01667312 1.557552
Correlation Structure: AR(1)
Formula: ~1 | g
Parameter estimate(s):
Number of Observations: 151
Number of Groups: 1
The summary above can be shorten even more by using,
Correlation structure of class corAR1 representing
And now this is where the fun happens as when I try to extract this value, I get a completely different value and no further information is given.
[1] 1.418144
I haven't been able to figure out where the 1.4 comes from and even if I expand this out to auto-correlated errors of an AR(2) then the same situation happens when I try to extract the two Phi values.
> GAM_sim2<-(gamm(y_sim~s(x_sim, bs="cs", k=40), correlation = corARMA(p=2)))
> GAM_sim2$lme$modelStruct$corStruct
Correlation structure of class corARMA representing
Phi1 Phi2
0.5257324 0.1708431
> GAM_sim2$lme$modelStruct$corStruct[1:2]
[1] 1.496342 0.345070
Does anyone know how to extract the AR values from the GAMM function in the mgcv package as I haven't been able to get a proper answer in the documentation?
Thank you