I am trying to perform multi-class classification using SVMs (C-SVC). I am using the ksvm
function from the kernlab
package in R. The problem is that I want to use a periodic kernel, which is not one of the kernel functions provided by kernlab
. Reading through the documentation and based on a post I found here, I saw that one can compute the kernel matrix on the input data with a user-defined kernel using the kernelMatrix
function and then input the resulting matrix in ksvm
. However, the results do not really seem to agree for kernels that have already been defined. As a reference, I am including some R code used to replicate the laplacedot
kernel results. Note that dtframe
is a dataframe with 2880 observations, 2 continuous and one discrete variable and I am trying to predict the discrete variable (this is feature number 1 and takes 4 levels) using the 2nd and the 3rd variables (both continuous).
# Data generation
# categorized numerical variable function
intv <- function(vec, class) {
nbase <- (1:(class-1))/class
nq <- numeric(length(nbase))
for (i in 1:length(nq)) {
nq[i] <- quantile(vec, nbase[i])
res <- c(min(vec), nq, max(vec))
res[1] <- res[1]-1
for (i in 2:length(res)){
if (res[i-1]==res[i]){
res[i] <- res[i]+2e-15
nobs <- 2880
nvars <- 3
# Generate covariance matrix
sigma_mat <- genPositiveDefMat(dim = nvars,
covMethod = "unifcorrmat",
alphad = 3,
rangeVar = c(0.1, 5))
dtframe <- rmvnorm(nobs, mean=rep(0, nvars), sigma = sigma_mat$Sigma)
# Discretise first variable
dtframe[,1] <- as.factor(cut(dtframe[,1], intv(dtframe[,1], 4), labels = (1:4)))
# Create concentric circles
j <- 1
n_lvls <- length(unique(dtframe[,j]))
qs <- c(min(dtframe[, 2]^2+dtframe[, 3]^2))
for (i in 1:n_lvls){
qs <- c(qs, quantile(dtframe[, 2]^2+dtframe[, 3]^2, i/n_lvls))
for (i in 1:nrow(dtframe)){
val <- dtframe[i, 2]^2+dtframe[i, 3]^2
# Find position where val lies
new_lvl <- which(diff(sign(qs-val))!=0)
if (length(new_lvl)>1){
new_lvl <- sample(new_lvl, 1)
dtframe[i, j] <- new_lvl
# Manual implementation
laplacekern <- function(x, y=NULL, sigma = 1){
return(exp(-sigma * sqrt(-(round(2 * crossprod(x, y) - crossprod(x) - crossprod(y), 9)))))
class(laplacekern) <- "kernel"
K <- kernelMatrix(laplacekern, as.matrix(dtframe[, c(2:3)]))
kernsvm <- ksvm(y = as.factor(dtframe[, 1]),
x = K,
kernel = 'matrix',
type = 'C-svc',
prob.model = TRUE)
svmpredictions <- predict(kernsvm, K)
cat('Misclassified observations:', sum(svmpredictions!=dtframe[, 1]), '\n')
"Misclassified observations: 2070"
# Using the built-in laplacedot
kernsvm_2 <- ksvm(y = as.factor(dtframe[, 1]),
x = as.matrix(dtframe[, c(2:3)]),
kernel = 'laplacedot',
params = list('sigma'=1),
type = 'C-svc',
prob.model = TRUE)
svmpredictions_2 <- predict(kernsvm_2, as.matrix(dtframe[, c(2:3)]))
cat('Misclassified observations:', sum(svmpredictions_2!=dtframe[, 1]), '\n')
"Misclassified observations: 66"
There is a huge difference between the results, which probably shows that there is something wrong with my attempt to perform multi-class classification using the kernel matrix instead of the kernel function (I know that the Laplace kernel should work for this data by the way, as I have generated them myself using the code above; I further include a plot of the data below). The code for the laplacekern
function is taken directly from the source code of laplacedot
. I am mainly wondering what I'm doing wrong in my manual implementation. Any help will be very much appreciated - thanks!