In most of the times in linear regression, the two problems of non-normality and hetroskedasticity are present both in the model.
However, the two problems could be (but not neccessarily) inter-related; if one is solved, the other could be solved automatically.
If I have a regression model, with non-normal errors (P-value of Shapiro Wilk is < .001), and hetroskedastic erros (P-value of White's test is < .001).
And I am interested to solve the problem of non-normality with bootstrapping, but am not sure whether the hetroskedasticity is solved automatically or not.
Recently, I have found bootstrap for White's test for hetroskedasticity, within the R-package "whitestrap."
If bootstrap of White's test results in a non-significant P-value (i.e., > .05), is this a good justification for us to run our regression analysis using bootstrapping in order to solve both problems?