I am fitting GAM models to check whether forest treatment (2 types of logging regimes) influence bird abundance across years. Abundance was counted on constant plots. Each plot is located in a constant treatment area. Bird abundance was surveyed in each plot 6 times between 2005-2020.
I created a simplified, reproducible example, which mirrors my dataset and fitted a GAM model:
plot <- rep(sprintf("p%s",seq(1:18)), each=6)
treatment <- rep(c("control", "treatment1", "treatment2"),each=36)
year <- rep(c(2005,2007,2008,2010,2012,2020), 18)
abundance <- c(sort(runif(36, min = 1, max = 40), decreasing = TRUE), sort(runif(36, min = 1, max = 35), decreasing = TRUE), sort(runif(36, min = 16, max = 32)))
piska_df <- as.data.frame(cbind(plot,treatment,year,abundance))
piska_df$plot <- as.factor(piska_df$plot)
piska_df$treatment <- as.factor(piska_df$treatment)
piska_df$abundance <- as.integer(piska_df$abundance)
piska_df$year <- as.integer(piska_df$year)
g1<-gam(abundance ~ treatment*year + s(plot,bs="re"), data=piska_df, family=poisson, method="REML")
The model works great! But i am now stuck on visualizing main results in a clear manner.
I decided to calculate predicted values for each treatment separately across years, while keeping random factor (“plot”) constraint. Afterwards I transformed my data using inv.logit to get true abundance values for birds. I calculated 95% CI based on SE. This is the code that I used:
year.pr <-seq(min(piska_df$year),max(piska_df$year), length.out = 100)
new_data_t2 <- as.data.frame(new_data_t2)
new_data_t1 <- as.data.frame(new_data_t1)
new_data_ctrl <- as.data.frame(new_data_ctrl)
ilink <- family(g1)$linkinv
g.pred.ctrl <- predict(g1,newdata=new_data_ctrl,
type="link",se.fit = TRUE)
g.pred.t1 <-predict(g1,newdata=new_data_t1,
type="link",se.fit = TRUE)
g.pred.t2 <-predict(g1,newdata=new_data_t2,
type="link",se.fit = TRUE)
g.pred.ctrl <- cbind(g.pred.ctrl, new_data_ctrl)
g.pred.ctrl <- transform(g.pred.ctrl, lwr_ci = ilink(fit - (2 * se.fit)),
upr_ci = ilink(fit + (2 * se.fit)),
fitted = ilink(fit))
g.pred.t1 <- cbind(g.pred.t1, new_data_t1)
g.pred.t1 <- transform(g.pred.t1, lwr_ci = ilink(fit - (2 * se.fit)),
upr_ci = ilink(fit + (2 * se.fit)),
fitted = ilink(fit))
g.pred.t2 <- cbind(g.pred.t2, new_data_t2)
g.pred.t2 <- transform(g.pred.t2, lwr_ci = ilink(fit - (2 * se.fit)),
upr_ci = ilink(fit + (2 * se.fit)),
fitted = ilink(fit))
g.pred.all <- rbind(g.pred.t2,g.pred.t1,g.pred.ctrl)
Then I plotted a ggplot graph, using the predicted values:
ggplot(g.pred.all, aes(x = year, y = fitted, colour = factor(treatment))) +
theme_classic() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr_ci, ymax = upr_ci, fill = factor(treatment)), alpha = 0.1) +
geom_line(linewidth=1.5) +
ggtitle("abundance") + xlab("year")
This is the graph:
And here comes my problem. I am interested in how treatment differs from control – I want it to be main focus of those graphs. I am not interested in general decrease/increase, I am interested in decrease/increase in relation to control.
Therefore I thought it would be a nice idea if I had control as a horizontal 0 line (with respective confidence intervals). Then my Y axis would become “abundance difference from control” instead of “abundance”.
My question would be: how to transform my predictions so that I can show control as straight line going through 0 while maintaining “true” mathematical relations between points and confidence intervals? Can I just calculate difference between all other values & mean control and plot this on the graph? Does it make sense mathematically speaking? Should the CI values be somehow recalculated?
All help would be very valuable. I am also open to any other simple and convenient ways to visualize those results (simple visualization of 3 treatments and their trends over years).
Thank you very much in advance.
to calculate the difference between control and the treatment groups at some values of year. If you want the differences instead of ratios, it's a bit tricky. But this here works:contrast(emmeans(ref_grid(g1, at = list(year = seq(2005, 2020, length = 20)), regrid = "response"), "treatment", by = "year"), "trt.vs.ctrl", infer = c(TRUE, FALSE))
. Convert this to a data frame to plot it usingggplot
, for example. Caution:emmeans
will average over the random effects, unlikepredict
. $\endgroup$anova(g1)
to check whether the interaction is significant. If it is, there is no point in interpreting the significance of the main effects because you already have evidence now that the abundance is associated with treatment and year. In other words: There is evidence that the differences between treatments is not constant over the years (lines are not parallel on the scale of the linear predictor). It's possible that there is little difference in year 2005 but a large difference in 2020. The graph will show that. $\endgroup$