I'm trying to simulate what is essentially a multiple linear regression for MASEM with some interaction terms. The idea is to have something like this:
In this model, the S variables are all likely correlated and I'm assuming that the mod variable is not correlated with the S variables, but I have included it's covariance in the model just in case there is some relation. However, I specifically want to test if the mod variable has interactions with the S -> DV regression paths. I've drawn one singular line for simplicity, but "Mod" should regress on each S -> DV path here. All of these variables should be numeric values. Also, the S variables are all positively associated with DV, but Mod is negatively associated with DV. However, I'm not sure yet if I can directly test this for my model, so for now I simply included it as a another regression path in the path analysis. Also, while the S variables are related, I explicitly label them as manifest because I want to directly test the interactions for each variable rather than a single latent variable path.
I've tried simulating this model by using this data:
#### Load Libraries ####
#### Sim Data ####
DV <- rnorm(n=1000)
S1 <- DV *.40 + rnorm(n=1000)
S2 <- DV *.40 + rnorm(n=1000)
S3 <- DV *.40 + rnorm(n=1000)
S4 <- DV *.40 + rnorm(n=1000)
MD <- DV * -.40 + rnorm(n=1000)
df <- data.frame(S1,S2,S3,S4,MD,DV) %>%
Then I fit the model in lavaan
#### Model Preds ####
model <- "
DV ~ a*S1 + b*S2 + c*S3 + d*S4 + e*MD
INT1 := a*e
INT2 := b*e
INT3 := c*e
INT4 := d*e
#### Fit Model ####
fit <- sem(model,
#### Plot Model ####
whatLabels = "std",
style = "lisrel",
curve = 2,
residScale = 10,
edge.label.cex = .8)
But the path model doesn't look correct...it shows covariances with all of the predictors but it doesn't appear to model the interactions in the plot from what I can see.
However, running summary(fit, standardized = T)
, it appears to have at least some part showing the interactions I modeled at the end of the summary:
lavaan 0.6-12 ended normally after 1 iterations
Estimator ML
Optimization method NLMINB
Number of model parameters 6
Number of observations 1000
Model Test User Model:
Test statistic 0.000
Degrees of freedom 0
Parameter Estimates:
Standard errors Standard
Information Expected
Information saturated (h1) model Structured
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.lv
DV ~
S1 (a) 0.223 0.022 10.129 0.000 0.223
S2 (b) 0.191 0.023 8.341 0.000 0.191
S3 (c) 0.218 0.022 9.747 0.000 0.218
S4 (d) 0.217 0.022 9.789 0.000 0.217
MD (e) -0.222 0.022 -9.951 0.000 -0.222
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.lv
.DV 0.535 0.024 22.361 0.000 0.535
Defined Parameters:
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.lv
INT1 -0.050 0.006 -7.747 0.000 -0.050
INT2 -0.043 0.006 -6.806 0.000 -0.043
INT3 -0.048 0.007 -7.134 0.000 -0.048
INT4 -0.048 0.007 -7.263 0.000 -0.048
Is this correctly modeled? Or am I doing something wrong here? And can I include these interactions without regressing the Mod variable on DV?