I am trying to understand how Latent Semantic Analysis works, reading demonstrations based on singular value decomposition.
Let's denote $X$ a $N \times D$ document-term matrix. The $D$ rows of $X$ represent documents, and the $W$ columns represent words. Using SVD, we can write $X = U \Sigma V^T$.
To me, this formulation is nothing more than a non-centered PCA. So then $WordSim = U \cdot S$ gives the word similarity matrix, where the rows of $WordSim $ represent different words and $DocSim= S \cdot V^T$ gives the document similarity matrix where the columns of $DocSim$ represent different documents. This would be akin to projecting the rows or columns onto the principal components of the $X^{T}X$ or $XX^{T}$, which is just like PCA.
Assume we have a new document $d$. We would like to get a rank $k$ approximation of $d$ by applying the same mapping that transformed rows in $X$ into rows in $\tilde{X}$ and get $\hat{d}$. Wikipedia has it that $\hat{d} = \Sigma^{-1}_k U_k^T d$, but I can't find a full, formal mathematical demonstration behind this equation. I don't understand why we can't just directly project $d$ onto $U^{T}$, as suggested here?