Consider the model [1]
$$y_n=X_n\beta_n+\epsilon_n$$ $$\beta_i|\sigma^2,v_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2 v_i), i=1,\ldots,p$$ $$v_i \sim \beta^\prime(a,b)$$ $$\sigma^2 \sim \mathcal{IG}(c,d)$$
where $\beta^\prime$ is the beta prime distribution and $\mathcal{IG}$ the inverse gamma distribution.
In [1], the authors prove posterior consistency in the high-dimensionality regimes were $p\rightarrow \infty$ as $n\rightarrow \infty$. Is there a way to show posterior consistency for fixed/small $p$ as $n\rightarrow \infty$?
[1] Bai, R. and Ghosh, M., 2021. On the beta prime prior for scale parameters in high-dimensional bayesian regression models. Statistica Sinica, 31(2), pp.843-865.