Short version
Can bootstrap be used to find disconnected confidence regions when MLE is not unique?
Long version Let $\theta$ be a parameter and $P_\theta=\mathrm{Normal}(\theta, 1)$ be a distribution. In the frequentist approach to statistical inference one has access to the sample $X_1, \dotsc, X_n\sim P_\theta$ and can construct the maximum likelihood estimator $\hat\theta(X_1, \dotsc, X_n) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_i X_i$ as well as construct the 95% confidence interval $\mathrm{CI}(X_1, \dotsc, X_n)$ around $\hat \theta$ in various manners (in this case an analytic formula is available, but one could also use likelihood profile, Fisher information matrix, or bootstrap).
My understanding is that:
- We work with an identifiable model (for $\theta_1\neq \theta_2$ we have $P_{\theta_1}\neq P_{\theta_2}$), so for large $n$ we will find (approximately) unique $P_\theta$ and from this $\theta$ in turn.
- The confidence intervals based on any of the above methods have their usual meaning, i.e., if we repeat the procedure of sampling the data from $P_\theta$ and construct the confidence interval for each sample, then 95% of them will cover the true value $\theta$.
However, in more complex situations (especially when the model is non-identifiable) a maximum likelihood solution may not be unique. For example, consider $P_\theta=\mathrm{Normal}(\theta^2, 1)$ with two maximum likelihood estimates, $\hat \theta_{\pm}(X_1, \dotsc, X_n) = \pm\sqrt{\frac 1n\sum X_i}$.
In this case I can still define 95% confidence regions (which often will be disconnected in this case, consisting of two intervals) for parameter $\theta$ adjusting the analytical formulas.
However, I do not know how to construct the confidence regions when (a) analytical formulae are not available or (b) I do not even know how many maximum likelihood solutions exist.
Could you recommend me some references on finding confidence regions with non-unique maximum likelihood estimates? I do not know whether methods such as likelihood profile, Fisher information matrix, or (most importantly for me) bootstrap would still work and retain the usual meaning of confidence regions.
I know that in Bayesian statistics identifiability poses different kinds of issues (as label switching and how to understand the multimodality in the posterior), but I would like to learn how this problem can be tackled from the frequentist perspective.