
Hello everyone and good day to you,

Could you please explain how to use principal components in principal component analysis in a correlation analysis? I performed a PCA on my dataset and extracted 2 components form 8 variables; Now I'm wondering how to use pearson or spearman correlation analysis to find out the correlation between PC1(or PC2) and, let's say, another variable.

I mean, I want to do a regression analysis in which my two extracted components are independent variables and each participant's age (for example) is the dependent variable.

How should I do this?

Many thanks.


1 Answer 1


If I am understanding you correctly, I think you would just perform correlation or regression analysis as you would with any other set of variables, only now you use the principal components (the data projected onto the 2 selected principal component directions) as your variables.

Here is a good, short article that describes performing regression with principal components:


Hope that helps!


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