
I'd like to model the optimal quantile regression curves of probabilities as function of xa, using qgam ideally (mgcv-based R package), but not necessarily:


dat <-
structure(list(prob = c(0.043824528975438, 0.0743831343145038, 
0.0444802301649798, 0.0184204002808217, 0.012747152819121, 0.109320069103749, 
0.868637913750677, 0.389605665620339, 0.846536935687218, 0.104932383728924, 
0.000796924809569913, 0.844673988202945, 0.00120791067227541, 
0.91751061807481, 0.0140582427585067, 0.61360854266884, 0.55603090737844, 
0.0121424615930165, 0.000392412410090414, 0.00731972612592678, 
0.450730636411052, 0.0111896050578429, 0.0552971757296455, 0.949825608148576, 
0.00216318997302124, 0.620876890784462, 0.00434032271743834, 
0.809464444601336, 0.890796570916792, 0.0070834616944228, 0.0563350845256127, 
0.913156468748195, 0.00605085671490011, 0.00585882020388307, 
0.0139577135093548, 0.0151356267602558, 0.00357231467872644, 
0.000268107682417655, 0.047883018897558, 0.137688264298974, 0.846219411361109, 
0.455395192661041, 0.440089914302649, 0.312776912863294, 0.721283899836456, 
0.945808616162847, 0.160122538485323, 0.274966581834218, 0.223500907500226, 
0.957169102670141, 3.29173412975754e-05, 0.920710197397359, 0.752055893010363, 
0.204573327883464, 0.824869881489217, 0.0336636091577387, 0.834235793851965, 
0.00377210373002217, 0.611370672834389, 0.876156793482752, 0.04563653558985, 
0.742493995255321, 0.42035122692417, 0.916359628728296, 0.182755925347698, 
0.139504394672643, 0.415836463269909, 0.0143112277191436, 0.00611022961831899, 
0.794529254262237, 0.000295836911230635, 0.88504245090271, 0.0320097205131667, 
0.386424550101868, 0.724747784339428, 0.0374198694261709, 0.772894216412908, 
0.243626917726206, 0.884082536765856, 0.649357153222083, 0.651665475576256, 
0.248153637183556, 0.621116026311962, 0.254679380328883, 0.815492354289526, 
0.00384382735772974, 0.00098493832845314, 0.0289740210412282, 
0.919537164719931, 0.029914235716672, 0.791051705450356, 0.535062926433525, 
0.930153425256182, 0.739648381556949, 0.962078822556967, 0.717404075711021, 
0.00426200695619151, 0.0688025266083751, 0.30592683399928, 0.76857384388609, 
0.817428136470741, 0.0101583095649087, 0.190150584186769, 0.949353043876038, 
0.000942385744019884, 0.00752842476126574, 0.451811230189468, 
0.878142444707428, 0.085390660867941, 0.705492062082986, 0.00776625091631656, 
0.120499683875168, 0.871558791341612, 0.204175216963286, 0.88865934672351, 
0.735067195665991, 0.111767657566763, 0.0718305257427526, 0.001998068594943, 
0.726375812318976, 0.628064249939129, 0.0163105011142307, 0.585565544471761, 
0.225632568540361, 0.914834452659588, 0.755043268549628, 0.44993311080756, 
0.876058522964169, 0.876909380258345, 0.935545943209396, 0.856566304797687, 
0.891579321327903, 0.67586664661773, 0.305274362445618, 0.0416387565225755, 
0.244843991055886, 0.651782914419153, 0.615583040148267, 0.0164959661557421, 
0.545479687527543, 0.0254178939123714, 0.00480000384583597, 0.0256296636591875, 
0.776444262284288, 0.00686736233661002, 0.738267311816833, 0.00284628668554737, 
0.0240371572079387, 0.00549270830047392, 0.91880163437759, 0.336534358175717, 
0.276841848679916, 0.718008645244615, 0.0897424253787563, 0.0719730540202573, 
0.00215797941000608, 0.0219160132143199, 0.797680147185277, 0.66612383359622, 
0.946965411044528, 0.133399527090937, 0.343056247984854, 0.202570454449074, 
0.00349712323805031, 0.919979740593237, 0.577123238372546, 0.759418264563034, 
0.904569159000302, 0.0179587619909363, 0.785657258439329, 0.235867625712547, 
0.959688292861383, 0.668060191654474, 0.0014774986557077, 0.00831528722028647, 
0.669655207261098, 0.157824457113222, 0.110637023939517, 0.262525772704882, 
0.112654002253028, 0.22606090266161, 0.157513622503487, 0.25688454756606, 
0.00201570863346944, 0.70318409224183, 0.25568985167711, 0.810637054896326, 
0.92708070974999, 0.608664352336801, 0.707490903842404, 0.00094520948858089, 
0.106177223644193, 0.582785205597368, 0.0585327568963445, 0.377814739935042, 
0.972447647118833, 0.0111118791692372, 0.58947840090326, 0.0111189166236961, 
0.00317374095338712, 0.0664218007312096, 0.00227258301798719, 
0.00198861129291917, 0.337443337988163, 0.750708293355867, 0.837530172974158, 
0.627428065068903, 0.744110974625108, 0.00320417425932798, 0.871800026765784, 
0.613647987816266, 0.808457030433619, 0.00486495461698562, 0.597950577021363, 
0.000885253981642748, 0.0800527366346806, 0.00951706823839207, 
0.125222576598629, 0.346018567766834, 0.0376933970313487, 0.157903106929268, 
0.0371982251307384, 0.00407175432189843, 0.0946588147179984, 
0.967274516618573, 0.169109953293894, 0.00124072042059317, 0.00259042255361196, 
0.000400511359506596, 0.841289470209085, 0.807106898740506, 0.926962245924993, 
0.814160745645036, 0.662558468801531, 0.000288068688170646, 0.698932091902567, 
0.00242011818508616, 0.645573844423654, 0.517121859568318, 0.0931231998319089, 
0.000877774529895907), xa = c(6.85, 7.65, 7.6, 6.65, 7.35, 8.6, 
9.8, 8.25, 9.65, 7.6, 5.95, 11.75, 6.05, 10.75, 7, 8.25, 7.25, 
7.55, 6.4, 7.45, 7.15, 7.1, 7.4, 8.85, 6.65, 7.75, 6.95, 7.25, 
9.35, 6, 7.5, 9, 7.1, 7.75, 7.55, 6.95, 6.85, 5.8, 7.4, 7.45, 
9.7, 8.1, 7.6, 8.1, 8.45, 9.45, 8, 7.25, 7.05, 9.5, 5.05, 10.15, 
8.7, 7.7, 8.4, 7.5, 9.25, 6.85, 7.45, 11.85, 7.9, 7.6, 8.3, 10.35, 
7.95, 7.9, 8.65, 7.05, 6.9, 9.6, 5.5, 12.2, 7.45, 7.5, 7.2, 7.05, 
8.7, 7.25, 8.35, 8.45, 8.05, 8.05, 8.25, 7.7, 9, 6.95, 6.75, 
6.55, 8.9, 7.4, 9.35, 8.45, 10.35, 8.65, 9.6, 8.75, 7.05, 7.8, 
7.95, 8.4, 8.3, 7.6, 8.3, 8.7, 6.65, 7.1, 7.7, 10.1, 7.75, 9.05, 
6.5, 6.3, 9.45, 7.7, 7.65, 8.15, 7.35, 7.6, 7.2, 8.35, 7.65, 
6.8, 11.45, 7.35, 12.65, 9.15, 8.15, 10.6, 8.6, 11, 9.85, 9.2, 
9, 7.8, 7.25, 7.65, 8.35, 8.4, 7.55, 7.55, 7.55, 6.95, 8.15, 
8.65, 6.95, 8.5, 4.75, 7.3, 7.65, 9.15, 7.45, 8.2, 7.8, 7.3, 
7.35, 6.1, 7.35, 7.25, 8.15, 9.55, 7.15, 7.15, 7.2, 7.2, 8.25, 
8.7, 8.85, 10.35, 7.5, 7.45, 7.05, 15.15, 8.7, 6.15, 6.55, 16.05, 
7.6, 6.55, 7.45, 7.6, 8.15, 6.05, 6.55, 6.65, 7.35, 7.3, 9.4, 
10.05, 10.85, 8.5, 6.4, 7.15, 7.5, 6.25, 7, 9.55, 6.85, 8.2, 
6.7, 7.2, 7.25, 7.05, 7.25, 6.9, 9.1, 9.4, 7.45, 7.8, 5.55, 7.8, 
8.7, 7.65, 6.9, 8.25, 6.4, 7.5, 7.55, 7.95, 7.35, 7, 7.3, 6.65, 
6.65, 6.9, 8.65, 8.25, 5.95, 6.55, 6.1, 7.7, 10.95, 11.15, 8.85, 
7.35, 6, 7.75, 5.45, 7.55, 7.1, 7.35, 6.45)), row.names = c(NA, 
-241L), class = "data.frame")


# qgam
qg.5 <- qgamV(prob ~ s(xa, bs="tp", k=20), data = dat, qu = 0.5)
qg.25 <- qgamV(prob ~ s(xa, bs="tp", k=20), data = dat, qu = 0.25)
qg.75 <- qgamV(prob ~ s(xa, bs="tp", k=20), data = dat, qu = 0.75)

# add fitted values to dat
dat$fit_prob.5 <- qg.5[["fitted.values"]]
dat$fit_prob.25 <- qg.25[["fitted.values"]]
dat$fit_prob.75 <- qg.75[["fitted.values"]]

# predict xa at prob = 0.5
xa_at_prob.5 <- with(dat, approx(fit_prob.5, xa, xout=0.5)); xa_at_prob.5

# plot
ggplot(dat, aes(x = xa, y = prob)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line(aes(y = fit_prob.5), lwd = 1.2) +
  geom_line(aes(y = fit_prob.25), lwd = 1.2, linetype = "longdash") +
  geom_line(aes(y = fit_prob.75), lwd = 1.2, linetype = "longdash") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = xa_at_prob.5[["y"]], linetype = "longdash", color = "black", linewidth = 0.6) + 
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 16, 1)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=c(0, 0.5, 1), linetype="solid", color = "black", linewidth = 0.3) +
  theme_classic(base_size = 20) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(4, 13))

However, looking at the graph below, I've two concerns:

Question 1: Some fit_prob.25 values are negative, as shown on the 0.25 quantile curve (blue area 1). I think this is because qgam does not consider prob values as probabilities, i.e., values that must be constrained between 0 and 1. Is it the problem? How to solve it?

Question 2: Surprisingly, the curves don't seem to fit the data very well; there are more points in red zone 2 (about n=30) than in zone 3 (about n=10). Slightly more left and steeper quantile curves would seem to fit better (like the approximative red median curve part). Is there an explanation for this inappropriate fitting?

enter image description here

Any help, advice or reference would be greatly appreciated

  • $\begingroup$ It looks to me like your model has left out an important factor; judging (possibly incorrectly!) from the points between xa=7 and xa=8, there are a lot with very low probabilities and a lot with probabilities > 0.5. xa is not doing a good job of distinguishing between them, unlike for lower and higher values. This, I suspect, is the root of the quantile regression problem. $\endgroup$
    – jbowman
    Commented Apr 18, 2023 at 15:22
  • $\begingroup$ Indeed, perhaps the limits of the quantile regression are exceeded in such a situation. I've also tried several GAM-based regressions, varying k and/or the basis function, but it's no better. Maybe a specific family would be required, while making varying other arguments, which I do not know well unfortunately. $\endgroup$
    – denis
    Commented Apr 18, 2023 at 17:42

1 Answer 1


A gam with beta regression (family="betar") is more appropriate for modeling probabilities and it pretty much answers both questions. Adjusting theta=50 and k=15 gives the best fitting.

# qgam and gam
qg.5 <- qgamV(prob ~ s(xa, bs="cr", k=15), data = dat, qu = 0.5); summary(qg.5)
btr <- gamV(prob ~ s(xa, bs="cr", k=15), data = dat, method = "REML", family = betar(link = "logit", theta = 50)); summary(btr)
# add fitted values to dat
dat$fit_qg.5 <- qg.5[["fitted.values"]]
pred <- predict(btr, newdata = dat, se.fit = TRUE, type="response")
dat$fit_btr <- pred[["fit"]]
dat$se.fit_btr <- pred[["se.fit"]]
dat$low <- dat$fit_btr - 2 * dat$se.fit_btr
dat$upr <- dat$fit_btr + 2 * dat$se.fit_btr

# predict xa at prob = 0.5
xa_at_prob.5 <- with(dat, approx(fit_btr, xa, xout=0.5)); xa_at_prob.5

# plot
ggplot(dat, aes(x = xa, y = prob)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line(aes(y = fit_qg.5), lwd = 1.2, color = "black") +
  geom_line(aes(y = fit_btr), lwd = 1.2, color = " red") +
  geom_ribbon(aes(x = xa, ymin = low, ymax = upr), alpha = 0.3, fill = "red") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = xa_at_prob.5[["y"]], linetype = "longdash", color = "black", linewidth = 0.6) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 16, 1)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=c(0, 0.5, 1), linetype="solid", color = "black", linewidth = 0.3) +
  theme_classic(base_size = 20) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(4, 13))

Note: The deviance explained cannot be compared between qgam and gam. The number of basis dimension (k) is quite acceptable:

Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may
indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'.

      k' edf k-index p-value
s(xa) 14  12       1    0.52

enter image description here


As relevantly explained here by Matteo Fasiolo (more details here), "since the variance of prob varies with xa, the bias induced by the smoothed pinball loss used by qgam is not constant. This issue can be solved by letting the learning rate change with xa". In this way, the following code almost completely answers question 1, while increasing the qgam deviance explained from 65% to 94%:

# qgam with list(...bs="ad")
qg.5_ad <- qgamV(list(prob ~ s(xa, bs="ad", k=20), ~ s(xa)), data = dat, qu = 0.5); summary(qg.5_ad)
qg.25_ad <- qgamV(list(prob ~ s(xa, bs="ad", k=20), ~ s(xa)), data = dat, qu = 0.25)
qg.75_ad <- qgamV(list(prob ~ s(xa, bs="ad", k=20), ~ s(xa)), data = dat, qu = 0.75)

providing the blue quantile regression curves below. However, it does not answer question 2 (goodness of fit), which would perhaps require to create a discontinuity starting at the pink area, but which is certainly not possible using smooth effects.

enter image description here


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