Just to clarify something regarding coefficients bigger than 1 in log-linear regressions.
If we have this regression, how would we go about to interpret the 1.12?
D1 is dummy variable for having a car
D2 is dummy variable for being us resident
lninv is the ln of the investment
Linear regression Number of obs = 580
F( 4, 575) = 45.58
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.1983
Root MSE = 1.2828
lninv | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
age | .1376738 .0221547 6.21 0.000 .0941598 .1811878
1.car | .5398736 .1179852 4.58 0.000 .3081391 .771608
1.USA | 1.124221 .1959553 5.74 0.000 .7393456 1.509097
car#USA |
1 1 | -.0202977 .2457097 -0.08 0.934 -.5028958 .4623003
_cons | -.0585373 .1228857 -0.48 0.634 -.2998969 .1828223
so we have lninv = age + d1(car) + d2(usa) + d1.d2
The trouble is the interpretation of the USA.
(1) Is it correct to say that all things equal being a US resident increases the investment by 112%?
Also the interaction dummy is not significant.
(2) Is it ok to check for interaction between two binary variables?