I have a time series with realized sales prices on monthly basis in a large European city which comes as an index and I would like to do 1 period ahead forecasting.
I have run ADF and KPSS for unit root / stationarity as well as Ljung-box for white noise, I get the following results:
Detrended series:
- ADF p-value: 0.826796
- KPSS p-value: < 0.01
- Ljung-box p-value: all 12 lags has p-value of basically 0
1st difference series:
- ADF p-value: 0.001352
- KPSS p-value: > 0.1
- Ljung-box p-value: all 12 lags has p-value of basically 0
- ACF shows lags 1,2,3,4 being significant
- PACF shows lags 1,2,3,4 being significant
2nd difference series:
- ADF p-value: 0.003257
- KPSS p-value: > 0.1
- Ljung-box p-value: all 12 lags has p-value of basically 0
- ACF shows lags 1,2,4,5,6 being significant.
- PACF shows lags 1,2,3,6 being significant
From what I can tell, this is just a plain non-stationary process, since the Ljung-box test rejects the p-values of all 12 lags.
Am i doing something wrong? As I understand it, it should be possible to forecast a housing market index to some extend, I therefore thought that at least the housing index would be difference stationary.
I might do something wrong, can anyone help me understand?