I have the following problem: I have log-likelihoods that need to be transformed to probabilities. One thing I have attempted is the following. Define $\kappa_{s} := \log \int p (\theta | X_s) \text{d} \theta $ and $\nu_{j,s} := \log p (\theta_j | X_s$ for data-generating processes $X_s$ and parameters $\theta_j$.
The log-likelihood $\kappa_{s} \in [-\infty,\infty]$. I have found $\frac{\exp( \kappa_s - b )}{\sum_{s} \exp( \kappa_s - b)}$ for $b= \underset{s}{ \max} \kappa_{s}$.
However, my log-likelihoods are still fairly spread out so that I wind up with lots of probabilities that are very close to zero with the maximum occupying a one. Is there a type of outlier-robust transformation or something slightly more sophisticated than the scheme described above?
For more context, the problem is more carefully described by
$\sum_{j} \exp(\nu_{s,j}) \lambda_{j} \geq \exp (\kappa_{s}) $
which appears as a constraint of a linear programme. The log-likelihoods are fairly large and dispersed.
The reason why I want to transform them is that the LHS of the inequality approximates the integral $\sum_{j} \exp(\nu_{s,j}) \lambda_{j} \approx \int p_{\nu} \, \text{d} \lambda $.
The $\text{d} \lambda$ weights are the variable I am solving for, so logsumexp sadly does not seem to be applicable here.
This is a likelihood ratio test constraint.
Thank you!