In the simpler case of independent data points, a simple two-sample t-test here would give too-low p-values because you choose the change point to create the pair of datasets with the largest possible t-statistic.
Suppose we generate a time series of 26 observations of $N(0, 1)$ observations, with no change points. If we split the data in two in the middle, the p-value will be $U(0, 1)$. But if we do binary segmentation then the p-value is likely to be lower, even though there are no change points in the data. I've simulated this happening 1,000 times in the code below
N = 1000
n = 26
# p_vals_half gives the p-values of t-tests from splitting the data into two equal parts
p_vals_half = numeric(N)
# p_vals_bin gives the p-values after choosing the split with binary segmentation and then computing the p-value for the resulting t-test
p_vals_bin = numeric(N)
for (i in 1:N) {
data = rnorm(n)
p_vals_half[i] = t.test(x = data[1:(n/2)], y = data[(n/2 + 1):n], alternative = "two.sided")$p.value
# choose the change point that minimises the difference between the two data sets (and so minimises the p-value of a t-statistic)
pvals_all = numeric(n - 3)
for (j in 2:(n - 2)) {
pvals_all[j - 1] = t.test(x = data[1:j], y = data[(j+1):n], alternative = "two.sided")$p.value
p_vals_bin[i] = min(pvals_all)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
hist(p_vals_half, xlab = "P-Value", main = "Histogram of p-values from splitting in half")
hist(p_vals_bin, xlab = "P-Value", main = "Histogram of p-values from binary segmentation")
As you can see from the output, the straightforward t-test applied to a dataset generates a lot of spuriously low p-values. So even in the independent data case, you would need to take the fact that you are choosing the change point into account when you calculate the p-value.
I'd need more information about a model for the correlation structure of the data that you have to give a specific answer, but this paper, Change point detection in autoregressive models with no moment assumptions by
Akashi, Dette, Liu (2016), may be useful. Usefully, it cites a lot of papers on the topic of change detection in autoregressive models.