I am trying to implement Soft Actor-Critic with automatic Entropy tuning.
One thing I noticed is that the authors, and also the majority of implementations of SAC use $-\text{dim}(|\mathcal{A}|)$ as entropy target $\bar{\mathcal{H}}$ in the loss function of $\alpha$, and I am confused where this exact value came from. I have read the answer to this question, but I am still not fully convinced.
I do understand the intuition behind setting $\bar{\mathcal{H}}$ proportional to $\text{dim}(|\mathcal{A}|)$. Let's say, for example, we consider the target distribution of $\text{tanh}(\bf{u})$ to be $\text{Uniform}(-1, 1)$ for each dimension (I am not sure if this is a good assumption though), then the entropy target should be $\text{dim}(|\mathcal{A}|) \ln(2)$. But I am not sure why the majority of the implement uses exactly $-\text{dim}(|\mathcal{A}|)$.
Is there any specific reason for this setting? Or, are there any papers or articles about how the target entropy setting affects the performance of SAC?
Just in case, the loss function of $\alpha$ I am referring to is Eq18:
$$ J(\alpha) = \mathbb{E}_{\bf{a}_t \sim \pi_t} [- \alpha \log \pi_t(\bf{a}_t | \bf{s}_t) - \alpha \bar{\mathcal{H}}] $$