I'm looking for a comprehensive guideline of how to compare different survival models on one particular data set. My priority is having a model that gives the best possible prediction of time to event.
By different models here, they can be
- Models of different types (e.g. CoxPH, parametric PH models, AFT models, random forest, etc.)
- Models are fitted on different sets of covariates, each set can be mutually exclusive or overlapping with each other, and all sets are subsets of a complete list of covariates
- Models are fitted on different sets of sample, each comes from a larger pool of samples
I would like to describe the context of my problem if specific details are needed:
- I'm working on estimating time-to-default of consumer loans
- My dataset contains about 200,000 loans originated from 2017 to 2020
- The proportion of censored observation (loans without default) is considerable (approximately 70%)
I need guidelines on these specific topics:
- Given the nature of the models I'm testing, what can be a good metric to compare them? I found that some metrics depend on sample size and the number of covariates (e.g AIC), and c-index can be problematic regarding highly censored data.
- If evaluation on a hold out set is needed, is there any rules for choosing it? (The data I'm working on has a great portion of censoring)
I really appreciate if anyone can give me some comments.