I was wondering if there's any relation between the two metrics. Both measure the distance between distributions (or samples of them). And they seem quite similar.
The energy distance can be summarized as twice the mean of the between sample distances minus the means of the within sample distances of each sample:
$$ED(\theta_1,\theta_2) = 2\mathbb E[\Vert\theta_1-\theta_2\Vert] - \mathbb E[\Vert \theta_1-\theta_1'\Vert] - \mathbb E[\Vert\theta_2-\theta_2'\Vert]$$
The MMD with a Gaussian kernel seems to be very related to it: the negative squared-distances are exponentiated with scale, then the opposite sum is taken: the within's minus twice the between:
$$ MMD(x,y) = \mathbb E\left[e^{-\Vert x-x'\Vert^2/c}\right] + \mathbb E\left[e^{-\Vert y-y'\Vert^2/c}\right] -2\mathbb E\left[e^{-\Vert x-y\Vert^2/c}\right] $$