In "A new coefficient of correlation" (Chatterjee, 2019), Chatterjee defined an asymptotically unbiased estimator for the following index, which is zero for independent random variables $X,Y$ and one if $Y$ is a deterministic function of $X$: $$\xi(X,Y) = \frac{\int \mbox{Var}\left(E(1_{\\{Y\geq t\\}}|X)\right) d\mu(t) }{\int \mbox{Var}(1_{\\{Y\geq t\\}}) d\mu(t)}$$
where $\mu$ is the (unconditional) probability distribution of $Y$. The paper does not say so, but I guess that the variance in the numerator is taken with respect to $X$, not with respect to $t$, because otherwise the outer integral with respect to $t$ would make no sense.
As I am not very familiar with this notation, I would first like to ask whether my following understanding is correct:
- As $1_{\\{Y\geq t\\}}$ can only be one or zero, its expectaion value under the condition of $X$ is simply the conditional probability $P(Y\geq t|X)$.
- The variance in the denominator is the variance of a Bernoulli variable and thus $pq$, or $P(Y\geq t)(1-P(Y\geq t))$.
- The outer integrals are irrelevant for the property that $\xi$ is zero for independence of $X$ and $Y$ and one for strict dependency. They are just applied to make the value independent of $t$.
If my above interpretations are correct, the index $\xi$ can equivalently be written in terms of the unconditional distributions $\lambda$ for $X$ and $\mu$ for $Y$ as $$\xi(X,Y) = \frac{\int\int \Big( P(Y\geq t|X=x)-m(t)\Big)^2 d\lambda(x) d\mu(t)}{\int P(Y\geq t) \Big(1-P(Y\geq t)\Big) d\mu(t)} \quad\mbox{with}\quad m(t)=\int P(Y\geq t|X=x) d\lambda(x) = P(Y\geq t)$$
My second question is, what is the value of $\xi$ for the very simple model $Y=f(X) + \varepsilon$ where $X$ is uniformly or normally distributed, $f$ is a deterministic function, and $\varepsilon$ is a normally distributed noise with zero mean and variance $\sigma^2$. A simple Monte Carlo estimate can be achieved by simulating data and use Chatterjee's estimator, but I wonder whether the integrals can be solved in closed form in this simple situation.
for a large data set generated according to the respective model. I am currently doing a number of tests withxicor
for these models and can keep you informed about the results, if you are interested. $\endgroup$